"Lights"photograph by Serena |
These lyrics are from "Rubber Ring" by The Smiths(this song has been worming it's way into my head for weeks now...)
Could they be messages from your subconscious? Most songs that get stuck in your head, "earworms", have lyrics in them, and if you sit down and really think about those lyrics, write them down even, you may be surprised at the messages you receive. You may also be pleasantly surprised to find that after you pondered the "earworms" meaning, it will stop attacking your subconscious! I have found solutions to many different issues, by studying and dissecting the meaning and messages that lie within the lyrics.
Catchy songs could also just be meticulously produced to be "earworms", infecting your subconscious and causing you to sometimes end up buying the songs that you can't stop thinking about. Some of these songs are the most annoying, the ones that you detest and wonder how in the world they were able to invade your mind space. Try listening to a song you really love to eradicate the annoying song from your head.
I have found both of these possibilities to be true, so if you are singing a song and find that its lyrics and meaning are totally irrelevant to anything in your life, then move on to a song that very well may have the answers to your problems and insights into your dreams.