Monday, August 26, 2013


"Tree" photo taken at Liberty Park, Salt Lake City, Utah
I love trees. They are so majestic, so beautiful to me.  The very tall trees are amazing.  Deep seated roots, tall long branches, and thousands of pretty leaves.  I think we have a lot to learn from the trees.  The wind blows, and the branches sway.  The wind blows, and the leaves all dance like it is a party.  The seasons change, the leaves change, but the tree is still there, still the same trunk and branches.  So whatever life throws at you, think of yourself as a tree, let it go on by, and just keep reaching up to the Sun.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ironic Technology Post

"Gamma Ray", technology produced art :) Thank you technology!

Technology is great. But when abused, it hinders and actually seems to end up hurting you. I have clocked in my fair share of watching movies and television shows, just tuning out of my life and into someone else's story.  I have found it harder and harder though to sit down and just absorb one whole movie. A part of me thinks that is due to the lack of quality material out there, and another part of me thinks it is part of growing up. Moving past the distractions and finding the moments that are real, is like creating your own movie, where you are the star. You can even hum your own soundtrack!  

I stopped using a cell phone a while back, and it took some time to get used to not having the ability to "text" someone. "Texting" is great, but so impersonal, and so much gets lost in translation. The feeling and compassion is lost, along with correct spelling and grammar. I understand it is faster to abbreviate a word, but I fear we are breeding a society that will not know how to speak a real language. Technology has so many of us spoiled, that we end up wanting things to go faster, faster, faster! So what happens if the tech fails? Our cars, homes, and daily lives would be chaos. We would all have to start from scratch. It would be scary, since so much of our survival is contingent upon how well our tech works.  

I love technology, but perhaps it would be okay to take a step back from it, from time to time, and practice calculating something longhand with a pencil and paper, without the calculator. It's good for your brain!  

Close Your Eyes

"Wormhole" original digital art/photography by Serena
Have you ever wondered if our dreams are closer to a true reality, than our waking life?  Dreams can be so magical, so adventurous.  If you have mastered lucid dreaming(where you are fully conscious during your entire dream) you can essentially go anywhere in existence(the library down the street, or Venus!).  I have only had a handful of lucid dreams, and they were so amazing.  I still remember them so clearly, as if they were tattooed into my conscious memories.  In the "real" world, magic is for magicians, and skeptics are the majority. "We will believe it when we see it", some might say.  But what if you can't see it, until you believe it?  Our dreams could be indicators and reminders that there is magic in the world, in the universe...and it is there for everyone to experience, if they want to :) So many songs, stories, and inventions, were inspired by dreams. I am going to try an experiment where I keep a dream journal.  I have heard that you can analyze your dreams and possibly solve problems or reveal insights into your waking life.  
My pad of paper and pen are by the bedside, so let the dreaming commence!